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The RegenNarration podcast

Exploring the stories that are changing the story, enabling the regeneration of life on this planet.

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Meet the host

Pic: Sally Batt

Anthony is a fifth generation Australian man living on ancient lands among the oldest continuous cultures on earth. He is creator and host of The RegenNarration podcast, a Prime Ministerial award-winner for service to the international community, sought after MC, facilitator and educator, widely published writer, Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia, and Warm Data Lab Host Certified by the International Bateson Institute.

I just want to say how extraordinarily helpful your voice, vision, mind and podcasts are to me as we complete Regeneration.
— Paul Hawken, best-selling author of Regeneration
Truly a master in his craft of pulling together threads from many parts and creating a relatable story. Such a breadth and depth of understanding across so many areas combined with humanity give such a special touch to his work.
— Dianne Haggerty, 'natural intelligence farming' pioneer

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